Developing a Faculty-Led Study Abroad Program

Faculty-led study abroad programs are academic, international, experiential learning programs led by full-time Tulane faculty in conjunction with the NTC Center for Global Education. These programs provide unique opportunities for students, especially those who may be unable to study abroad through semester-length study abroad programs. Faculty-led programs are also a unique opportunity for faculty to spend more time with students inside and outside of class, expanding the role of instructor to advisor, mentor, cultural liaison, and more. This can result in a positive transformation of faculty, staff and students that will influence students beyond their time at Tulane University.

Types of Faculty-Led Programs

OSA supports a variety of program models in study abroad with varying levels of support and oversight.

These are programs run and managed by the NTC Office of Study Abroad. Programs are open to NTC students, pending specific programmatic requirements (e.g. language proficiency, course pre-requisites)

  • Faculty participants will be hired by Newcomb-Tulane College
  • OSA will support marketing of programs
  • OSA exercises budgetary responsibility of the program
  • NTC Faculty-Led programs will be accompanied by an OSA or NTC employee who will provide logistical support and intercultural learning support to students and faculty on the program
  • OSA will oversee negotiation of MOU with program provider
  • Participants are eligible for OSA scholarships

These are programs approved by NTC but managed by other campus units with capacity to manage international education programs. Programs are open to primarily NTC students, pending specific programmatic requirements (e.g. language proficiency, course pre-requisites)

  • Faculty participants and support staff are hired by affiliate unit
  • Marketing, budgets, faculty contracts are handled by affiliate unit.
  • Participants may be eligible for OSA scholarships

These programs are targeted to students from a specific discipline/school. Budgetary and operational functions are handled by the school.

Steps for Approval for NTC/OSA Study Abroad Programs

Developing a new study abroad program requires several steps and layers of approval

Meet with us to discuss your initial program concept. Make an appointment or reach out to to get connected with study abroad staff.

Fill out the initial interest form to begin planning stages for a new program.

Through the summer one year before your program start date, work with OSA to determine vendors abroad, develop itinerary and budget.

The following parties must review completed proposal, budget, and health/safety plan:

  • NTC Associate Dean for Global Education
  • NTC Dean
  • Chair of Academic Department
  • Tulane Global Health, Safety, Security review

Once a proposal has been approved by the parties above, it will go before the Tulane Study Abroad faculty committee (TSAC)

Once all Tulane parties have greenlit a potential program, OSA will negotiate a contract or Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with vendors abroad.

**Faculty indicates dept. chair approval in contract

**Special topics courses Ok. Core attributes need approval